it’s all about people

Join the global service IT company

See the job openings By the way, we have many remote job openings 🔥
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Cloud Services
  • Internet of Things
  • Computer Vision
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Cloud Services
  • Internet of Things
  • Computer Vision
  • Artificial Intelligence

Our source code

Over 120 clients worldwide

We are valued for our experience, dedication and proactive work approach. Building long-term relations with each customer we look ahead with confidence and are full of energy to move forward.

We operate all over the world: in our offices in Lithuania and the United States; remotely - throughout Europe and from Canada. We are united not only by joint projects, but also by a lot of informal events

Top 1000 Best B2B Service Companies in the World

Clutch is an independent rating platform for B2B market. One of the platform's main rankings is Clutch 1000. Clutch analysts rank companies based on their market share, industry expertise, and the completeness and relevance of independent customer reviews. The final list of top 1000 includes 1% of the best companies registered on the Clutch platform.

Global Outsourcing 100® ranking

Each year, the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP®) selects the best IT service providers based on carefully chosen criteria. The final list of companies is formed after a thorough study of the submitted materials and assessments made by an independent expert commission. Another important component of the assessment is customer reviews.

Our company has been included in the Global Outsourcing 100® rating every year since 2008

Auriga awards

AURIGA typical projects

Embedded and system software development

drivers, operating systems kernels, loaders, hypervisors, microcontrollers

Development of software that works at the level of interaction with hardware. Any device from a phone to an airplane has such software. The components we develop are often invisible to the user, yet they control cutting-edge equipment and form the basis for further products development and solutions.

Examples of the tasks we perform:
  • device driver development: from a USB controller driver to an ultra-high-speed Ethernet controller for a server platform
  • development of operating systems kernel components, as well as development of operating systems themselves
  • development of solutions for hardware virtualization and simulation
  • software development for microcontroller-based devices

Business solutions development

web and mobile applications, microservices and cloud technologies

Development of multi-level solutions for comprehensive business tasks performance and various processes automation. We are working on fail-safe and secure architecture capable of serving millions of users. The solutions we develop can be powered by microservice architecture, and can also use web and mobile applications.

Examples of the tasks we perform:
  • Power grid management automatioin
  • Complete software modification for a large transport company
  • General music content store
  • Structural steel design
  • Structural steel design
  • Banking software
  • Medical portals
  • Invitation buildings access system

Software development for medical devices

life support systems, ventilators, digital twins, simulators, ISO 13485, IEC 62304, baremetal, RTOS

Development and testing of software for medical devices and systems in accordance with international quality standards. The solutions we develop in the medical field include a wide range of tasks from embedded software development for medical devices and ensuring the compatibility of medical equipment to development of systems for management, analysis (including using machine-learning algorithms) and visualization of collected data. Solutions related to such increasingly popular trend as telemedicine are also not left aside.

Examples of the tasks we perform:
  • Development of software for patient monitors
  • Development of software for ventilators
  • Development of software for dialysis systems and infusion systems
  • Development of medical device simulators
  • Development of solutions in the field of telemedicine
  • Medical software testing
  • Testing medical devices using various patient simulators
  • Manual and automatic testing

Our values

Our mission is to provide superior software R&D services worldwide by translating our key principles into daily practice
  • Focus on client

    We do all we can to understand the client’s business goals and proactively help in reaching them

  • Strive for excellence

    Whatever we do, we do our best to perform the task better than anybody else could

  • Love what we do

    We facilitate comfortable and flexible environment to enjoy every day of our life at work

  • Act with integrity

    We say what we think and do what we say

  • Work as a team

    We believe that high goals can only be achieved by combining individual talents, opinions and efforts

Plunge into the atmosphere of our corporate culture

We love big parties

We celebrate New Year and AURIGA's Birthday in style! The rest of the time, we play consoles, participate in quizzes and cyber tournaments, sing karaoke...with the arrival of new people, the number of our activities is growing rapidly ;-)

We spend a lot of time outdoors

Our caring HR make sure that we do not burn out and always stay active, cheerful and fit. To achieve this, we constantly practice outdoor activities and keep ourselves in excellent physical shape!

We provide useful merch

Branded hoodies, cool laptop backpacks, welcome packs with PC mice, anti-stress toys, thermal mugs and much more! We love to set the mood, especially with the help of high-quality gifts. What else can we please you with?

We offer comfortable work environment

Remote working.
Work&Life balance
Cozy atmosphere with healthy snacks
Internal and external training. Conferences.
Career growth
business trips


  • Recruiter is the main contact person and support at all stages of the interviews.
  • We value every candidate. Therefore, our recruiter will contact you during working hours within 24 hours after receiving your CV.
  • The recruiter will tell you more about our projects, as well as clarify your technical skills and area of your professional interests.
  • If our interests match, the recruiter will send your CV to our project managers on the same day.
    Consideration of a CV at this stage usually takes 1-2 working days.
  • Our recruiter may also contact you to clarify the details of your experience.
  • The next step is an interview with the project manager.
    We have many interesting projects, and sometimes we consider candidates for several teams at once, so we can set up a meeting with several team leads at the same time.
  • Sometimes our customers want to get to know you personally, so another online meeting is possible. The recruiter will guide you through the interview process.
  • Our task is to make sure that no more than 5 days pass from the moment we receive your resume to the final interview.
  • We hope everything went well and you liked AURIGA. The final stage is sending you a job offer with all the conditions. The recruiter will guide you on the dates, results of meetings and other issues – he/she is always in touch.
Our value is to act with integrity.
We are transparent in our decisions and actions, it is important for us to fulfill our obligations.

Our company conducts an annual performance assessment

  • At a meeting with the team lead and HR-bp the previous working period is evaluated
  • Areas for growth are highlighted and an individual development plan is drafted
  • Tasks for the next period are assigned
  • Following the results of the assessment, the company considers both the possibility of the employee’s career promotion and his/her salary change.
We are actively engaged in staff development
  • Every newbie has a mentor
  • We have our own Training Center which among other things helps with the implementation of an individual development plan
  • We also engage third-party providers for employee training and development
  • We welcome cross-functional development and experience exchange
  • The company also teaches English - we have many international projects
  • All training is free for employees
  • We also strongly encourage and welcome participation in conferences and meetups. In case you want to become a speaker on behalf of AURIGA, we help you develop your presentation skills
Our value is to strive for excellence.
We create an environment for development, provide opportunities for growth, and constantly improve ourselves and the world around us.

In our work we apply all the best practices in the field of software development, such as AGILE and Waterfall.

We are ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016 certified in medical device software development and testing and validate this certification every year
Our value is to strive for excellence.
Whatever we do, we do our best to perform the task better than anybody else could

On the first working day each employee receives an integration plan (adaptation plan), which is compiled by the direct supervisor.
The plan includes the tasks that need to be completed during the integration period, as well as the training necessary for adaptation, which is provided by our "Training Center".
A mentor helps in the implementation of the plan - we call him "sensei". You will also have an HR business partner who will accompany you throughout your life in the company.
The standard duration of the integration period is 2-3 months, depending on the project and role.
Throughout the integration period, regular meetings are held with the direct supervisor, sensei and HR business partner. The goals of these meetings are to summarize intermediate results, exchange impressions and understand what kind of support is needed to implement the plan. Our value is to work as a team.
We appreciate every individual perspective, at the same time we believe that ambitious goals are achieved through teamwork: by combining our efforts, talents and experience, we achieve more

The work schedule and the need to visit the office depends on the project:

  • We have projects where we help save lives. Therefore, one cannot do without a direct presence in our laboratories
  • At the same time, there are projects where visiting the office is not so critical and we can consider both completely remote work and a hybrid schedule.
We welcome candidates from different cities and countries - regardless of whether we have our office there already or not.
We have mandatory hours when you need to be available - from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. You can choose a convenient schedule yourself, but remember that we work 40 hours a week.
We really love it when the office is full of people - and we welcome offline meetings: both formal and informal. Our value is to love what we do.
We create comfortable and flexible working conditions, support the desire for self-realization and maintaining a balance between work and leisure.

Within the first working days the company provides the employee with the necessary equipment and software for work.

And yes, if you need, for example, a MacBook or a second monitor, etc. to complete the tasks, we will also provide you with it ;-) Our value is to love what we do.
We create comfortable and flexible working conditions, support the desire for self-realization and maintaining a balance between work and leisure.

Job openings


About the project

Our customer is a large international company and a leading manufacturer of medical equipment. One of the company’s products is intelligent IV drips (infusion pumps) designed for intravenous administration of solutions, medications, and nutrients to patients in precisely defined volumes and at required rates. As part of the project, it is necessary to assist the development team in creating a new device.

This project involves supporting the architecture, design, and development of the embedded hardware and software/firmware framework for an ambulatory infusion pump.

Our expectations


  • 5+ years of working experience as a developer.

Technical Skills:

  • Strong PCBs and schematics design.
  • Embedded Software development.
  • Proficiency in ASM/C/C++ programming.
  • Proficiency in Unix application development and system architecture concepts.
  • Experience with Unix development tools and environment (GNU toolchain, LLVM Toolchain, shell utilities, shell scripting, Makefile, etc.).
  • Knowledge of software development lifecycles.
  • Ability to work effectively in a team.

English Proficiency:

  • Intermediate+ (for regular interaction with the Customer).

Additional Requirements (Nice to Have):

  • Knowledge of microarchitectures and HW Platforms (x86, various ARM designs by ST).

What should you expect

  • Review the microcontroller selection exercise carried out by the Customer team, assessing based on current and predicted future system needs, cybersecurity, cost, power consumption/efficiency, or other factors based on the vendor’s judgment.
  • Develop embedded software code meeting best practices and Customer’s coding standards to support sub-systems as directed by the SW lead. These sub-systems may include:
    • Power management
    • Battery charging
    • Motor control
    • Display
    • Sensors
    • Security
    • Communications
    • Self-Test
    • Writing tests
  • Develop tests and fix bugs.
  • Write documentation, including rationales for proposed code changes and new development and project artifacts according to IEC 62304 and Customer’s QMS.

What we offer

The whole package of bonuses from Auriga. Click section «Working environment»


From 3500 $

About the project

Our customer is the largest company, the leader in the production of microprocessors, chipsets and other electronic devices. Project is related to the enhancing/improving software simulation models of various platforms – from ordinary ethernet adapters to the latest devices that are just being developed in hardware. You will have to work at the intersection of hardware (simulation) and software, starting with the BIOS and ending with the OS kernel, usually Linux, sometimes Windows, and their drivers.

Our expectations

  • C, Assembler as well as Python;
  • Unix (Linux) kernel internal and standard libraries;
  • Unix (Linux) tools such as GCC, binutils, shell utilities, shell scripting, Makefile, etc;
  • Strong understanding of one or more CPU architectures (x86, PowerPC, ARM, etc);
  • Strong understanding of PC architecture (South/North Bridge, PIC, PCI, ISA, etc);
  • Understanding of software development life cycle;
  • Spoken English.

What should you expect

  • Develop models of various devices for a specific platform simulator. Models are developed in a language derived from and very similar to C;
  • Developed model should be very close to a real model, i.e. provide the same registry set and behave in the same way;
  • After the model is developed, standard Linux driver should successfully detect and work with the device as it is a real physical device.

What we offer

The whole package of bonuses from Auriga. Click section «Working environment»


Gross salary from 3000 Euro

About the project

Our customer is the largest company, the leader in the production of microprocessors, chipsets and other electronic devices. Project is related to the enhancing/improving software simulation models of various platforms – from ordinary ethernet adapters to the latest devices that are just being developed in hardware. You will have to work at the intersection of hardware (simulation) and software, starting with the BIOS and ending with the OS kernel, usually Linux, sometimes Windows, and their drivers.

Our expectations

  • C, Assembler as well as Python;
  • Unix (Linux) kernel internal and standard libraries;
  • Unix (Linux) tools such as GCC, binutils, shell utilities, shell scripting, Makefile, etc;
  • Strong understanding of one or more CPU architectures (x86, PowerPC, ARM, etc);
  • Strong understanding of PC architecture (South/North Bridge, PIC, PCI, ISA, etc);
  • Understanding of software development life cycle;
  • Spoken English.

What should you expect

  • Develop models of various devices for a specific platform simulator. Models are developed in a language derived from and very similar to C;
  • Developed model should be very close to a real model, i.e. provide the same registry set and behave in the same way;
  • After the model is developed, standard Linux driver should successfully detect and work with the device as it is a real physical device.

What we offer

Auriga: a lot of PROs in our PROfessional environment:
  • We are PRO at creating perfect work-life balance: the work is much more productive when the ocean and the mountains are included
  • A thoughtful attitude in our PRO-care programs:

    • We offer a flexible approach to medical insurance,
    • We help to get a long term visa,
    • We have a well-designed relocation program – payment for tickets and the first 2 weeks of hotel accommodation, welcome-bonus at your arrival,
    • We protect your well-being by giving time for the adaptation in the country as well as helping with finding a permanent accommodation – this is our first priority.
  • Partnership, Reputation and Opportunities for education and proficiency on an expert level:
    • We teach English and Spanish at the company expenses,
    • We are proud that more than 50% of our employees – Senior&Expert level,
    • We share our expertise on popular platforms,
    • We develop HARD and SOFT SKILLS using both external and internal resources: we have our own Training Centre, knowledge exchange system and webinars.
  • Excellent opportunities for being PROactive and personally influencing the formation and development of your team
  • PROvide interesting long-term projects: Auriga Inc. – is a US/American company with a more than 30-year old history 
  • PROfitable cooperation and  value unique individuality even in team-work!

The whole package of bonuses from Auriga. Click section «Working environment»

What we offer


It depends on your level

About the project

Are you passionate about computer system simulation and eager to enhance your skills in this dynamic field? Auriga is thrilled to introduce our new program of education and training, specifically designed to develop expertise in writing simulation models of peripheral devices for the simulator.

Our program focuses on the intersection of hardware and software, offering participants the opportunity to work on one of our most challenging projects in collaboration with a leading company in microprocessor, chipset, and electronic device production.

Our expectations

  • Proficient in C programming;
  • Familiarity with Unix (Linux) tools such as GCC, binutils, shell utilities, shell scripting, Makefile, etc.;
  • Introduction to working with drivers or microelectronics;
  • Understanding of the software development life cycle;
  • Spoken English at a B2 level.

What should you expect

  • Develop models of various devices for a specific platform simulator. Models are developed in a language derived from and very similar to C;
  • Developed model should be very close to a real model, i.e. provide the same registry set and behave in the same way;
  • After the model is developed, standarddriver should successfully detect and work with the device as it is a real physical device.

Training format: Online sessions. Small group training with 5-7 participants, ensuring personalized attention.

Duration: 2 sessions per week, lasting 1.5 hours each, for a period of 1.5-2 months.

Exceptional students who demonstrate outstanding performance, determination, and a desire for further development may be considered for employment in the Auriga project. Successful completion of an interview following the training program will result in registration with the company and monthly salary payment.

We invite you to apply now and take a step towards a rewarding career with Auriga!

What we offer

The whole package of bonuses from Auriga. Click section «Working environment»


Successful completion of an interview following the training program will result in registration with the company and monthly salary payment, after it 3000-3500 Euro

About the project

American company, developer of a real-time operating system certified according to the aviation standard DO178C.

Our expectations

5+ years of working experience as a developer is required along with the following skills:

  • Understanding of the tool chain internals (knowledge of compiler and debugger principals);
  • Strong C/C++ programming skills;
  • Proficiency in Unix application development and system architecture concepts;
  • Experience with Unix development tools and environment (GNU toolchain, LLVM Toolchain, shell utilities, shell scripting, Makefile, etc.);
  • Knowledge of software development lifecycles;
  • Experience and ability for a team work.

What should you expect

  • Development and support of customized development tool chain (GNU: GCC and GDB + LLVM) for a real-time Unix-like system;
  • Porting/Customization of new versions of the tool chain to a stable version of the Real-Time operating system and resolve all issues;
  • Porting/Customization of new versions of libraries (e.g Libgcc) to a stable version of the Real-Time operating system and resolve all issues;
  • Writing tests;
  • Bug fixing;
  • Supporting legacy software;
  • Writing documentation;
  • Participation in the product certification process according to the Do178C standard.

What we offer

The whole package of bonuses from Auriga. Click section «Working environment»


3000-4000 $

Didn't find a suitable job opening?

E-mail us your CV and cover letter or fill out the form. We will be glad to meet you!


We welcome remote work, which means it is not necessary to go to our office to get to know each other.
Feel free to contact the HR you like best.

Costa Rica

Auriga – Berenice


Auriga – Mariia